The term Cuvee is taken from cuve, meaning vat or tank. The term can also be applied to wine or champagne to refer to a batch that is blended or pressed a certain way. With that little educational tidbit out of the way I give you my review of Southern Tier’s Cuvee Series One (Oak Aged Ale).
Southern Tier Brewing is located out of Lakewood, NY and offers some great beers in several styles that some would label as non-traditional, this one is no different.
This beer pours a copper color with not much head retention and little aroma to speak of, with the oak aroma being the most relevant. There is also a slight buttery to almost vanilla smell to this offering.
The taste is a buttery, sweet flavor with a hint of bourbon and vanilla.
For an 11% American Strong Ale this beer is smooth. Although a bit pricey ($17 a bottle in the Pittsburgh area) I would recommend this beer for at least a one-time tasting.
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